Monday, July 26, 2010

Let the fun begin!

Today was a very fun and exciting day, we woke up to a breakfast of eggs, fruit and cold cereal prepared for us by our Ugandan "Aunties". Then we loaded up in the Watoto van and headed to the Watoto Central Church for an orientation of what Watoto was all about and the opportunities available to us such as sponsoring a child. Before we went to orientation we had an a chance to meet some of the Watoto choir kids and take pictures with them. Then after we had lunch we took a drive to the Bbira Village of Watoto to take a tour of it and to meet, hang out and take pictures with more kids. I think I probably speak for all of our team to say that it gives us great joy to see smiling kids excited to see and hang out with us.

The computer lab team also seemed to make headway, meeting with their various technical contacts and bringing back some of the lab machines to troubleshoot in the living room area.

Today was a great day!

-Ryan Miller

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